Just in case you're wondering
The double date didn't happen.
I'm bummed.
I got home from work, Mrs. A said C was visiting her in-laws this weekend. Do I still want to go out?
What do you want to do?
I roll my eyes. How many of you play this game? She asks what you want to do because she's tired of deciding. You, on the other hand, are tired of trying to figure out what the hell she want's to do so that you can suggest it. I can think of lots of things, but none of them are on her list.
Let's find a bar with live entertainment. No, I'm not in the mood for that tonight.
Let's go down town and walk around the Harbor. It's too far.
Get a six-pack, some CDs and a couple blankets, park the truck someplace secluded... It's too hot out.
We can go to that dive motel where we spent our anniversary that one year. The one with the jacuzzi room. I have to be up early. Let's to that another time.
How about a movie? What's playing? Nothing she wants to see.
We decided to eat dinner at home (pizza), do some shopping at the mall, then go out for coffee and cheesecake. Pizza, same ole, same ole. Victoria's secret, where she had a coupon for a free pair of panties--she picked out a black with white stripes Body by Victoria boyshort--followed by an hour and a half of clothes and shoe shopping. By the time we left the mall the coffee shop was closed. We went home.
On the way home she hands me the VS bag--she got them for me. God, I love that woman.
We didn't fuck that night. But I did wear the panties Saturday.