Diary of an Aging Pervert: Let's get Freudian

Diary of an Aging Pervert

ADULT CONTENT WITHIN. People describe me as a really nice guy. Fuck that shit.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Let's get Freudian

The first girl I ever saw naked was my sister Karen.

Our cousin Kelly was visiting and the three of us were in my bedroom playing cards and drinking soda. Karen talked us into playing a modified game of spin the bottle. Who ever the bottle pointed at when it stopped had to remove one article of clothing. So as not to be too embarassed, we turned off the lights and played in the dark.

Karen lost.

Then we turned on the lights. I remember being surprised because I hadn't realized that she had started developing.

Then the lights went off and we played again... and again, and again, until each of us had a turn at 'losing.'

Kelly was less impressive than Karen. She still didn't have anything on top.

When it was my turn, they both laughed. Apparently I was the first naked boy either of them had ever seen too, and they thought it looked funny. I was embarassed.

Afterwards we drank more soda and played cards some more.


Blogger Rebecca said...

LOL...that brought up an interesting memory for me....the first boy I ever saw naked was my cousin Christopher...he was visiting for the summer, and so he and his brother took over my room, while I bunked with my sister...I remember being about 12 and opening my bedroom without thinking...there stod Chris in all his glory....

Funny how you just stand there...

12:09 AM  
Blogger ArkayToday said...

Jez: Don't apologize, I laughed my ass off.

Becca: You left out the most important part. What did HE do?

8:56 PM  
Blogger Desireous said...

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4:47 PM  
Blogger Desireous said...

I saw my brothers naked a lot. I guess they probably saw me naked a few times too. It's bound to happen. But what is most memorable to me is when I saw my father naked! That was the first real live naked man I'd ever seen. I was all of ten years old and I was completely mesmerized by his hugeness!


4:48 PM  

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