HNT Four
Today's HNT is dedicated to a memory that spawned a fantasy that's been with me for about 10 years now. Here's the story.
I knew a woman once. To call her a coworker is overstating it. We both worked at the same place for about a year or so. In that time our paths crossed maybe half a dozen times. Christmas parties, meetings, saying hello in the halls. That sort of thing.
She was probably early thirties at the time. Married. By virtue of our limited contact with each other, I did get a sense of her personality. She was, in simplest, terms a wild child. Vocal. Outgoing. Her dress was both loud and outragous. Not costricted by the standards or conventions of 'business attire.' We had lunch in the same room one time during which she commented, to whomever she was with, how much she liked shopping at Vickey's Secret.
Once, after she had already given notice that she was leaving, I came out of my office to find a water cooler conversation going on. Her, and about four or five others, having a little gab session. I stopped to join the conversation.
During the discussion she said two things that have stuck with me. The first, we were on the subject of marriage. She hadn't been married long, she said, and she liked being married. She loved her husband. The only problem, according to her, and she looked right at me when she said it, was the whole expectation of monogomy. My stomach fluttered.
Nobody followed up on that comment. It was said in passing, and every one pretty much let it pass. The subject was changed.
A bit later, and I have no idea how this came up, she related to us that a number of years earlier she worked in a small design office. She told us that in this office they liked to have fun, both during and after work. And one of the fun things they did was to declare a naked work day. No clients, front doors locked, every one undressed. Completely.
A lot of things go through my head when I remember her. She could have been lying. She could have been flirting. A little, or maybe a lot, of both. Who really cares though. I may have missed a wonderful opportunity with her. I've got the memory, which is pretty precious. And I've got a wonderful fantasy too. NAKED WORK DAY.
So here, in honor of that memory, is me at work.
Well, Half Nekkid actually. Click here to see what that's all about.
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