More Stupid Gibber-Jabber
Ok, here's our conversation the very next day...
Remember how she ended the day before all but apologizing for spending the entire time talking about herself? Now note the dramatic shift in focus to me. HAHAHA. I'm being facetious. She didn't ask once. In fact, although he first couple lines have been lost, trust me, she didn't even say "hi, how are you" when she signed on.
Here it is, along with a couple comments.
SHE: no
ME: what are you going to do today?
SHE: I just dont know, Im going thru something and its making me crazy
SHE: it really bothers me that anything could make me feel this bad
Just in case you don't know, which you don't, a married man with a six year old daughter decided not to leave his wife and move in with her because he overheard a message on her answering machine from another guy she's been fucking.
ME: what are you doing about it?
SHE: I dont know what to do about it, Ive tryed staying busy, dont help
SHE: Ive already washed everything in my yard this morning and my car
SHE: Im feeling desperate and thats not at all good
ME: desperate for what?
SHE: I dont know, to stop the hurt and emptyness Im feeling
SHE: I feel like Ive been gutted and there is a big hole in me
SHE: I try not to cry but I do alot, my tummy is in knots and hurts, Im restless, I actually physically hurt
ME: You obviously have a lot invested in this relationship emotionally
SHE: a very lot
SHE: I dont give my love easily
hahahahaha. Sorry. Actually she's right. In the two years that I've known her she's only given it to maybe A DOZEN OR SO guys.
ME: How long have you and he been together?
SHE: 11 months
SHE: I realize that isn't that long but it feels like much longer
ME: Yeah, I'm sure it does.
SHE: I dont like hurting like this
ME: not much you can do about it
SHE: I know
SHE: I guess Ill be somewhat distracted when I get back to work but soon I will be home alone for 2 months, I remember last time I was idle for so long and its scary
SHE: you must be busy so Im stepping out to smoke, be back in a few
ME: see ya when you get back
SHE: thanks
SHE: back
ME: me too
SHE: do you know I have even contemplated going back to Georgia, and welcome back
ME: what would be different in Georgia?
SHE: I know this is something within me and will be with me no matter where I am but Im so tired of being alone
ME: and you would't be alone in Georgia?
SHE: no
SHE: here I am totally on my own and I have never liked that
except, of course, for her sister, her nephew, her grandnephew... She never does say who or what is in Georgia for her.
SHE: actually I have never liked it here in Arizona and I have tried very hard to like it
SHE: or at very least to make it work
SHE: I feel like I dont belong anywhere anymore
wallow, wallow, wallow
ME: why is that?
SHE: I really dont know
SHE: Im not an easy person to know, even to myself
No comment, except to say that I think I know her pretty well.
ME: so where does all that leave you?
SHE: very confused
SHE: I dont need easy, I need workable
SHE: like most people, I need hope, a purpose, security and love
SHE: sis just got home with her son and grandson
SHE: guess I will go home now, I dont much feel like being around people and I know I will have to be later
ME: talk to ya later
SHE: have a great day
ME: you too
SHE: thanks
Anyway, yesterday I tried to explain why I bother. Let me add this to what I said before. One of my guilty pleasures is advice. I love reading advice columns and listening to advise shows. This is very much an extension of that.
I'll be sure to post some of the chain yanking I mentioned.
I'm amazed at how often peoples happiness is limited only by they're own thinking.
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