Diary of an Aging Pervert: Uncle Bill

Diary of an Aging Pervert

ADULT CONTENT WITHIN. People describe me as a really nice guy. Fuck that shit.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Uncle Bill

Remember when we were little and Uncle Bill would come to visit. Only he'd never stay long. Only for the afternoon. And Mama would be so glad to see him. And she'd say "Let's go inside where we can get away from 'these damned kids.'"

And Uncle Bill would say, "I have and idea. Who wants ice crean?" And we all would, so Uncle Bill would give each one of us a quarter. And he'd say, "Why don't you all run down to Green's Carryout and get yourself some ice cream."

And we'd all run off real quick like, 'cause we'd be afraid Mama would say no and take away our quarters. But Uncle Bill would hollar, "Y'all have fun now. And make sure you don't come back till you had all the ice cream you can eat."

Only Karen wouldn't run off like every one else. She stand there and real polite like she'd say "Thank you, Uncle Bill," 'cause Karen was always standing polite and thanking people.

And Uncle Bill would say, "Why you're welcome Little Darlin." Then he'd get all smiley and say, "You know you're growing up to be quite a pretty lil thing. Maybe I should send your Mama for ice cream so you and I could visit for a while." Then he'd wink at her. And she'd git all embarassed like.

And mama would say, "Now Bill. Don't tease the girl like that. She'll start believing you." Then she'd tell Karen, "Run along now. Git." Only she'd say it like she was mad or sumthin'.

And Uncle Bill would take out his wallet and give Karen a whole dollar and say, "Why don't you buy yourself something real special for a pretty little girl." Then he'd wink again.

And Karen would would politely take the dollar and say "Thank you very much," all over again.

And then we'd go and spend all our money on ice cream and candy and stuff, and we wouldn't come home till it was all gone, 'cause one time when Bobby had a dime left over when he got home Mama said, "Why don't you give that to me, sweatheart, 'cause you'll only lose it or spend it on something foolish."

And when we got home, Mama would be all smiling and humming while she was making the bed. And Lil' Janey would say, "Where's Uncle Bill. Ain't he gonna stay for dinner, 'n say 'hey' to Daddy when he get's home."

And Mama would say, "No, Uncle Bill had to go. And since he and your daddy don't git' along too well, we're just not going to tell Daddy that that he was here. That way Daddy won't worry. Ok?"
And Janey would say ok, but you know she didn't mean it, 'cause Janey was always saying stuff that was supposed to be a secret so Daddy wouldn't worry, so Mama would take one of the dollars offa her dresser and give it to Janey and say, "Here, Honey, put this in your piggy bank to help you remember."

And Janey would run off to her piggy bank and forget all about Uncle Bill coming to visit, 'cause now she had a dollar. Only I never knew where Mama would git that dollar, 'cause whenever we'd ask if we could have some money to get some ice cream or a licorice whip or sumthin', she'd always say, "shut the hell up, I ain't made of money you know. Now go on outside and play and leave me alone." Only Karen 'n me, we never asked 'cause we knew better.

But Mama was always real nice after Uncle Bill came to visit.


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