Diary of an Aging Pervert: A little background

Diary of an Aging Pervert

ADULT CONTENT WITHIN. People describe me as a really nice guy. Fuck that shit.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

A little background

The description to the left (or right, or wherever the hell it is) say's I'm in my mid 40s and I'm a good guy. The former is arguable, depending on how one defines it. By my definition I'm pushing the upper limit. The latter is purely subjective. You get to decide.

You've also learned by now (if you've read the one and only post preceeding this) that I'm married. 20+ years now. Wonderful, loving wife. Pretty too. And two wonderful children, hereafter referred to as "the boy" and "the girl" or collectively as "the kids," although they're really beyond kiddom. Both are of voting age plus a couple.

I am a church going man. Christian. Most of my friends I know from church. I know Lindsay from church. I know Joanna from church too, but you'll hear more about her another time. One might consider me a hypocrite. I suspect that I am--church on Sunday, blog on Monday. I'll not dispute it. One might consider me dangerous. I'm not. I've never hurt any one. I've never touched any one without their consent. I've never touched any one underage (except when I was also underage).

What I try not to be is judgmental. At least not in a spiritual, everlasting, you're-going-to-hell-if-you're-not-saved way. I do believe that evil exists. I believe that people are capable of evil acts. I'm not afraid to say so. I'm not afraid to choose my friends based on what they do or don't do, or say or don't say.

So, let's just say I'm looking for the line between the strict doctrine of my salvation, which I do believe in, and the chaos of unbridled hedonism.

There's a bottom line here. I'm not sure what it is yet.


Blogger RC said...

you're 1st two blog post are very intriguing...i am curious as to where this is all going.

--RC of strangeculture.blogspot.com

11:13 AM  

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